Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday breakfast made from ingredients in almost empty fridge

In the last blog, I did not share the recipe of the breakfast I posted. That was the breakfast I made on a weekend when my freeze was almost empty and I just had an avocado, eggs, few asparagus and  bread in my freeze.  Usually, Saturday morning, I mixmax whatever I have and try to create a dish for breakfast or lunch. Sometime it comes out good and I want to try it again. Other time, it becomes one time try. This dish really came out good though.

Here’s the recipe if you want to try:


Serving: 3 people
Avocado:-1 medium size
Asparagus: - ½ pound
Yogurt: - 3 table spoon
Bread: - 6 slice
Butter: - 3 table spoon (as you desire)
Egg:-  3 large
Oil:- 2 table spoon
A pinch of salt and pepper to taste.

Heat the oil in a pan and make an omelet (you can put onion, tomatoes or vegetables of your choice). I made a plain omelet. Let it cool down for a while, then roll it and cut it in to thin slice.  You can either bake or pan fry asparagus and then cut it in to small pieces. Toast the bread with butter and cut it in to small square pieces, you can leave one big square piece for decoration. Cut avocado in to small pieces.   Mix (bread, avocado and asparagus) with yogurt, put salt and pepper to taste. Serve it in a plate with slices of omelet. Enjoy the breakfast made with the theme what’s left in your freeze. ;)
Picture below again.
Picture #1: Breakfast from leftovers

Assuming that you know how to make masala chai. :)

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